• VdK Samenkapseln


    Free Shipping
    Unsere Samenkapseln sind Kapseln, wie man sie auch aus dem medizinischen Bereich kennt – gefüllt gefüllt mit Saatgut Ihrer Wahl.Diese können ähnlich wie die Samenkugeln über Mauern und Hindernisse hinweg auf Brachflächen, Industrieanlagen und sonstige graue Orte geworfen werden. Beim nächsten Regen oder wenn mit Wasser nachgeholfen wird, lösen sich die Samenkapseln auf und die Samen fangen an zu keimen. So kommt die Natur zurück in die Stadt und es entsteht ein Paradies für Bienen, Schmetterlinge und weitere nützliche Insekten.


    MaterialPergaminpapier, 100% recyclingfähig, kompostierbar + Werbeträger aus Pappe
    Größe Tütchen133×74 mm
    Größe Werbeträger105×74 mm (gefalzt)
    Samenkapseln5 Stück im Beutel, Gewicht ca. 1 Gramm pro Kapsel
    LieferzeitBundeslogo sofort, eigenes Logo 10 Werktage
    Haltbarkeit2 Jahre, trocken und lichtgeschützt gelagert
    Logodruck:Wenn Ihr ein eigenes Logo wünscht, ladet dieses bitte bei Bestellabschluss (da, wo ihr eure Adresse eingebt) hoch oder sendet das Logo nach eurer Bestellung an kontakt@seedball-factory.de


    ab 200  Stück73 Cent
    ab 500 Stück71 Cent
    ab 1000 Stück68 Cent
    ab 2500 Stück64 Cent
    Warum so günstig? Hier bezieht i direkt beim Produzenten.
  • VdK Samenkugel


    Free Shipping

    Unsere handgeformten Seedballs (Samenkugeln) bestehen aus einer nachhaltigen Samenmischung, torffreier Erde und natürlichem Ton. Die steinharten Kugeln können über Mauern und Hindernisse hinweg auf Brachflächen, Industrieanlagen und sonstige graue Orte geworfen werden. Der natürliche Ton schützt das Saatgut vor Vögeln und anderen Tieren. Beim nächsten Regen oder wenn mit Wasser nachgeholfen wird, weichen die Samenkugeln auf und die Samen fangen in der torffreien Erde an, zu keimen. So kommt die Natur zurück in die Stadt und es entsteht ein Paradies für Bienen, Schmetterlinge und weitere nützliche Insekten.


    MaterialPergaminpapier, 100% recyclingfähig, kompostierbar + Werbeträger aus Pappe
    Größe Tütchen133×74 mm
    Größe Werbeträger105×74 mm (gefalzt)
    Gewicht Samenkugelca. 5 Gramm
    LieferzeitBundeslogo sofort, eigenes Logo 10 Werktage
    Versandkosteninklusive ab 100 Euro Warenwert
    Haltbarkeit2 Jahre, trocken und lichtgeschützt gelagert
    Logodruck:Wenn Sie ein eigenes Logo wünschen, laden Sie dieses bitte bei Bestellabschluss (da, wo Sie Ihre Adresse eingeben) hoch oder senden Sie das Logo nach Ihrer Bestellung an kontakt@seedball-factory.de


    ab 200  Stück63 Cent
    ab 500 Stück61 Cent
    ab 1000 Stück58 Cent
    ab 2500 Stück54 Cent
    Warum so günstig? Hier beziehen Sie direkt beim Produzenten.
  • VdK-Meisenknödel


    Free Shipping
    Unsere handgeformten Meisenknödel sind Energiebomben für unsere Wildvögel, können überall verwendet und das ganze Jahr über verfuttert werden. Sie bestehen aus äußerst energiereichem Fett angefüllt mit Weizenmehl, Erdnüssen, verschiedenen Sämereien und getrockneten Mehlwürmern. Optimal für Kleiber, Buntspecht, Haussperling, Kohlmeise, Haubenmeise, Blaumeise, Feldsperling, Rotkehlchen, Zeisig (Erlenzeisig), Star, Schwanzmeise und viele andere Wildvögel.
    Die Vogelknödel werden plastikfrei ohne Netz geliefert. Das ist gut für die Umwelt, denn es entsteht kein Plastikmüll. Außerdem können sich die Tiere nicht im Netz verheddern und verletzen und leichter an den Knödeln picken.


    Zutaten MeisenknödelTierisches Fett, Hirse, Rapssamen, Leinsamen, Weizenmehl, Erdnüsse, Mehlwürmer, Natürliche Farbstoffe (Tierfutter. Nicht zum menschlichen Verzehr geeignet!)
    Analytische BestandteileFett (29,0%), Protein (9,0%), Rohfaser (0,8%), rohe Asche (1,0%), Feuchtigkeit (9,0%)
    MaterialPergaminpapier, 100% recyclingfähig, kompostierbar + Werbeträger aus Pappe
    Größe Tütchen133×74 mm
    Größe Werbeträger105×74 mm (gefalzt)
    LieferzeitBundeslogo sofort, eigenes Logo 10 Werktage
    Haltbarkeit2 Jahre, trocken und lichtgeschützt gelagert
    Logodruck:Wenn Sie ein eigenes Logo wünschen, laden Sie dieses bitte bei Bestellabschluss (da, wo Sie Ihre Adresse eingeben) hoch oder senden Sie das Logo nach Ihrer Bestellung an kontakt@seedball-factory.de


    ab 200  Stück53 Cent
    ab 500 Stück51 Cent
    ab 1000 Stück48 Cent
    ab 2500 Stück44 Cent
    Warum so günstig? Hier beziehen Sie direkt beim Produzenten.
  • Bird Food Bag – Design Suggestion 1

    from 0,22

    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    • Inexpensive
    • Printed with desired text and logo
    • No need for your own print file
    • Made in Germany
    • Delivered in 10 working days
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


  • Bird Food Bags – Design 1


    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


  • Bird Food Bags – Design 2


    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


  • Bird Food Bags – Design 3


    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


  • Bird Food Bags – Design Suggestion 2

    from 0,22

    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    • Inexpensive
    • Printed with desired text and logo
    • No need for your own print file
    • Made in Germany
    • Delivered in 10 working days
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


  • Bird Food Bags – Design Suggestion 3

    from 0,22

    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    • Inexpensive
    • Printed with desired text and logo
    • No need for your own print file
    • Made in Germany
    • Delivered in 10 working days
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


  • Bird Food Bags – Design Suggestion 4

    from 0,22

    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    • Inexpensive
    • Printed with desired text and logo
    • No need for your own print file
    • Made in Germany
    • Delivered in 10 working days
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


  • Bird Food Bags – Design Suggestion 5

    from 0,22

    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    • Inexpensive
    • Printed with desired text and logo
    • No need for your own print file
    • Made in Germany
    • Delivered in 10 working days
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


  • Bird Food Bags – Design Suggestion 6

    from 0,22

    Includes 7% tax
    Free Shipping
    • Inexpensive
    • Printed with desired text and logo
    • No need for your own print file
    • Made in Germany
    • Delivered in 10 working days
    Wild bird food - the perfect promotional gift for nature lovers!In a world that is becoming increasingly hectic, it is important to enjoy the small pleasures in life. Our high-quality bird food is not only a gift, but also an invitation to integrate the beauty of nature into everyday life.Why is our bird food the ideal promotional gift?Responsible and sustainable: Our bird food is carefully made from high quality and sustainable ingredients. It is free from harmful additives and supports a healthy diet for feathered friends.Environmentally friendly: The use of bird food supports local wildlife, especially birds. It is a sign of environmental protection and support for biodiversity.Joy and relaxation: Watching birds enjoying the bird food is a source of joy and relaxation. It connects people with nature and creates moments of calm in a hectic world.


    MaterialGlassine paper, 100% recyclable, compostable
    ContentSunflower seeds, oats, wheat, millet. Year-round food for all wild birds (tits, robins, song thrushes, house sparrows, etc.)
    Bag size 93×63 mm
    Imprint size 74×52 mm
    Delivery time10 days
    Shipping costsEU-wide free
    Printing costsfree
    Durability2 years, stored dry and protected from light
    UseAll year round. Food source in winter, spring and summer supports the rearing of young animals.


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