Plastic-free advertising, protect the oceans.

We take action!

Every year, around one million seabirds and hundreds of thousands of marine mammals such as seals and dolphins die from littering. They often mistake pieces of plastic for food and then starve to death with a full stomach.

Our goal is to save 1 million plastic bottles a year. This corresponds to around 100,000 kilograms less plastic waste.

How does that work?

Most cleaning products consist of 90 percent water – packaged in plastic bottles. We produce cleaning tablets with which you can make your own all-purpose cleaners for the household, bathroom and kitchen. To do this, a cleaning tablet is placed in an existing bottle and filled with water. The result is a fully-fledged all-purpose cleaner. The bottle already in the household is no longer thrown away when it is empty, but can be refilled again and again.

Our tabs

✅ save one disposable plastic bottle per use
✅ reduce CO2 emissions by eliminating the transportation of single-use plastic bottles
✅ are packaged plastic-free and vegan
✅ are manufactured in Germany

We want to save one million single-use plastic bottles per year. Help us achieve this goal. We produce the cleaning tablets in packaging with the design and logo of your company, organization or party branch. In this way, you can give your customers, business partners or voters a small gift with great sustainable benefits for our oceans and the climate. If you use our cleaning tablets as a promotional item, you will help us to save one million plastic bottles per year.

Ingredients: Sodium carbonate, berol 226SA, sodium sulphate, citric acid anhydrous, sodium silicate anhydrous, PEG6000, sodium benzoate, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt. These ingredients are harmless to nature and are contained in many ecological cleaning agents. We produce in Berlin.

1. Fill an empty spray bottle with 500 ml tap water

2. Add tab

3. Cleaning

  • Europe-wide delivery in just 10 business days.

  • Buy on account. No advance payment required.

  • Affordable prices even for small quantities.

  • All prices are quoted inclusive of taxes.

  • Custom printing included. No hidden additional costs.

  • Free delivery across Europe for orders over €300.

  • Quality made in Germany.

Hello, my name is Daniel Gollasch and I am the founder of SEEDBALL FACTORY.

I previously worked in various environmental organisations and was a research assistant in the German Bundestag for many years.

In 2016, I ran for the House of Representatives in the Berlin-Mitte constituency and won 20 per cent of the vote. During my election campaign, I distributed lots of sustainable advertising material and received an incredible number of positive responses at information stands or when ringing doorbells. In the summer, the flowers bloomed on many balconies and front gardens in my constituency – it definitely makes you memorable.

What works in Berlin also works elsewhere, so I decided to set up a shop for plastic-free and sustainable advertising materials. My team and I love to develop campaigns and we are happy if we can contribute to your success with the Seedball Factory products.

Do you have any questions or suggestions? Please write an e-mail to


Satisfied Customers

Im Münchner Kommunalwahlkampf haben wir auf nachhaltige Give-aways der Seedball Factory gesetzt und wurden nicht enttäuscht. Die Samentütchen, Samenbomben und Blumenzwiebeln in unserem Kampagnen-Design waren nicht nur superschnell da, sondern gingen an Wahlkampfständen und Haustüren weg wie warme Brezn!

Georg Nitsche, Passionate political campaigner

„Sonnenblumen machen einfach gute Laune. Deshalb habe ich für den Bundestagswahlkampf Samentütchen mit meinem Plakatmotiv verteilt. Geliefert von der Seedball Factory.

Sie waren das schönstes Giveaway. Die Bestellung bei Daniel Gollasch war unkompliziert, meine Wünsche wurden super umgesetzt und alles wurde schnell und zuverlässig geliefert. Prima Service – sehr zu empfehlen!“

Margarete Bause, MdB, Green Party Germany

Am „Tag der Bienen“ haben wir an unsere Kundinnen und Kunden kostenlos Samentütchen der Seedball Factory verteilt. Die Aktion wurde sehr gut angenommen und soll in diesem Jahr wiederholt werden – damit die Bienen in Wentorf und Umgebung auch in Zukunft genügend Nahrung finden!

Wir danken der Seedball Factory für die erfolgreiche und unkomplizierte Zusammenarbeit sowie die schnelle Umsetzung unserer Idee.

Antje Stapelfeldt, Schulenburg Furniture Stores

„Danke an SEEDBALL Factory für die schnelle Bearbeitung und Zusendung der Wildbienenmischung, die bei uns im Nu wieder alle war und Sachsen-Anhalt bienenfreundlicher machte!“

Rebecca Plassa, Executive Director,, Heinrich Böll Foundation


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